
The aim of the paper is to analyze contemporary concepts of national interests in the context of foreign policy of states. It is noted that the national interests determine the strategy and tactics of the states’ foreign policy, the nature of international relations and the features of domestic policy. It is noted that the practical realization of national interests should precede the theoretical substantiation of different concepts. Moreover, the study and analysis of existing concepts of national interests is a prerequisite for the creation of a new own concept that will respond to the effective development of the state, international and domestic conditions.The features of such concepts as «rapid reaction strategy», the concept of «mutually guaranteed destruction», «oriental politics», «iron curtain», the doctrine of «mass retaliation», the program of «new borders», the policy of «instantaneous isolation», the doctrine of «intimidation», «Cold war», «hybrid war» are defined. The historical context and characteristics of the events concerning the realization of the concepts of national interests by the world states are indicated. The peculiarities of international relations in these periods are determined. Attention is drawn to the scientific discussion about the modern concept of «hybrid war», the main components of the «hybrid war» are named. It is noted that «the policy of new borders» combines all the elements necessary for the harmonious development of the state.It is specified that the analyzed concepts demonstrate a power aspect dominates in the theory of national interests both in the 20th and 21st centuries. It is noted that the realistic approach in politics prevails in the present days, and about the advantage of information technologies in defending, implementing and demonstrating national interests in the XXI century.It is also specified that the subject of the article touches on the discussion problem, because the analyzed concepts are not considered by all researchers as concepts of national interests, referring them exclusively to foreign policy strategies of individual states. It is noted that the concept of national interests is considered as a system of possible realization of the national interests of a particular state within a certain period of time.

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