
The article reveals the historical and local history activities of the libraries of the Odessa region in the second half of the 40s – 80s XX century. The analysis of this activity indicates that despite the great difficulties (the residual principle of financing culture, and the weak material and technical base of libraries), they have become real centers of local history work in the region. During this period, libraries have accumulated a significant bibliographic base on local history issues, acquired extensive experience in working with local history research. In the development of library local lore, an important role was played by bibliographers of local lore of Odessa scientific libraries. Thanks to their activities, a local history fund was collected in almost every library, catalogs and card indexes were created, which included numerous materials on various local history topics. That is why libraries performed the social functions of education and culture units and became centers of local history. However, the regional studies of the regional libraries require further in-depth study, because by that time they, acting as regional information centers, were engaged in the search, storage and provision of local history literature for public use. The development of library local lore in the region was negatively affected by those general tendencies of social life arising from the very nature of the then totalitarian regime.

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