
The relevance of the article is due to the need to use in Ukraine the experience of the European Union in the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), aimed at state support of rural areas. The purpose of the article is an analytical review of the priorities, tasks, schemes and measures of the EU СAP for the organization and implementation of state support for rural areas. The article used survey and analytical research methods, studied EU legislation, on the basis of which state support is provided to rural areas. The following research methods were used as a decision-making tool in the context of the effectiveness of EU CAP measures for state support of rural areas: analysis and synthesis; induction, deduction and analogy; abstraction; generalization; idealization. To formulate recommendations, the European experience of typification of rural areas, the state policy of supporting rural development within the framework of the socio-economic, natural-climatic and environmental aspects is summarized. Attention is focused on the expediency of state financial support for rural areas, given the inability to fully perform the function of providing food to the population. The EU Regulations that determine the procedure for supporting rural areas through the European Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) are analyzed. The CAP system has a special component (Second Pillar) addressed to rural areas. The expediency of singling out among agricultural producers of certain categories of farms worthy of special treatment by society and the state has been established. The trends in the development of rural areas of the EU in the context of reforming the САР are analyzed. The effectiveness of САР measures for state financial support of rural areas has been proved. Directions for using the experience of the EU countries to improve the mechanism for supporting the development of the rural economy at the state and regional levels are proposed: the organization of interdepartmental cooperation, the creation of a network of rural development agencies, the development of agricultural production, taking into account the needs of rural areas.

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