
Modern trends in the development of the education system are characterized by a clear formulation of requirements for graduates of educational institutions within the framework of training. The program and normative support is the Law of Ukraine “On Physical Culture and Sports”, the National Doctrine of the Development of Physical Culture and Sports, the State Targeted Social Program for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports for the Period Until 2020, Regulations on the Organization of Physical Education and Mass Sports in Higher Education Institutions, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine dated January 11, 2006, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1045 dated December 9, 2015, and others. Training of professional junior bachelors in physical culture and sports should be carried out in accordance with the program content implemented at all levels of education. Physical education, being a pedagogical process, is aimed at the formation of theoretical knowledge, abilities and skills in performing motor actions, at the development of physical qualities that ensure positive dynamics of physical development and physical fitness.

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