
Introduction. In the manufacturing industry, there is a particular interest in the development of a new type of technological equipment, which makes it possible to implement methods for modifying the parts surface layers by processing it with concentrated energy sources. The combination of two processing technologies (mechanical and surface-thermal operations) in the conditions of integrated equipment makes it possible to neutralize the disadvantages of monotechnologies and obtain new effects that are unattainable when using technologies separately. The use of hybrid machine tools in conjunction with the developed technological recommendations will allow achieving a multiple increase in the technical and economic efficiency of production, resource and energy saving, which in turn will contribute to an increase in the competitiveness of products and the renewal of the technological paradigm. Purpose of work: increasing productivity and reducing energy consumption during surface-thermal hardening of machine parts by exposure to concentrated energy sources under conditions of integrated processing. Theory and methods: studies of the possible structural composition and layout of hybrid equipment during the integration of mechanical and surface-thermal processes are carried out taking into account the main provisions of structural synthesis and the components of metalworking systems. Theoretical studies are carried out using the basic provisions of system analysis, geometric theory of surface formation, design of metalworking machines, finite-element method, mathematical and computer simulation. Mathematical simulation of thermal fields and structural-phase transformations in the case of HEH HFC is carried out in the ANSYS and SYSWELD software packages, using numerical methods for solving the differential equations of unsteady thermal conductivity (Fourier's equation), carbon diffusion (Fick's second law), and elastoplastic behavior of the material. The verification of the simulation results is carried out by conducting field experiments using: optical and scanning microscopy; mechanical and X-ray methods for determining residual stresses. In the study, Uone JD520 and Form Talysurf Series 2 profilograph-profilometers are used to simultaneously measure shape deviations, waviness and surface roughness. Surface topography is assessed using a Zygo New View 7300 laser profilograph-profilometer. The microhardness of the hardened surface layer of parts is evaluated on a Wolpert Group 402MVD device. Results and discussion. An original method of structural-kinematic analysis for pre-design research of hybrid metalworking equipment is presented. Methodological recommendations are developed for the modernization of metal-cutting machine tools, the implementation of which will allow the implementation of high-energy heating by high-frequency currents (HEH HFC) on a standard machine-tool system and ensure the formation of high-tech technological equipment with expanded functionality. A unified integral parameter of the temperature-time effect on a structural material is proposed when the modes of hardening by concentrated heating sources are assigned, which guarantee the required set of quality indicators of the surface layer of machine parts, while ensuring energy efficiency and processing productivity in general. It is experimentally confirmed that the introduction into production of the proposed hybrid machine tool in conjunction with the developed recommendations for the purpose of the HEH HFC modes in the conditions of integral processing of a “Plunger bushing” type part in relation to the factory technology allows increasing the productivity of surface hardening by 3.5 ... 4.1 times, and reduce energy consumption by 9.5 ... 11.3 times.

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