
Maryukhno V. V. The main roles of a man inChristian marriage on the example of Christ’s attitudeto the church. – Article.In the modern world, the understanding of one’sown role in marriage becomes relevant. In the search forthe personal role of a man in a Christian marriage, it isquite logical to turn to the texts of the Holy Scriptures.The article is devoted to the separation of the main rolesof a man in a Christian marriage through the prism ofthe relationship between Christ and the Church. It isemphasized that the theological understanding of therole of a man in marriage beyond the understandingof man and woman as part of the majestic creationof God the Father is unjustified. Husband and wifeshould be understood not only as a body but also as aspirit. Emphasis is also placed on understanding themarriage founded by God the Creator. It is stated thatthis approach to understanding the essence of husband,wife and marriage contributes to a fuller and moremeaningful understanding of man’s role in Christianmarriage. It is emphasized that the high level of divorcedetermines the search for answers to current issues offamily life of the couple. Sociological, psychologicaland philosophical studies are increasingly studyingthe issue of marital relations. However, familyrelationships are rarely studied from a theological pointof view. In particular, this applies to the study of thekey roles of men in Christian marriage. It is concludedthat in a Christian marriage, the husband must showsacrificial love to his wife, sanctify her through theword, and exercise the right and duty to be a leader. Itis stated that agape love takes a person beyond mutualbenefit and teaches care for others. Sanctificationthrough the word is based on the words of the ApostlePaul: «Christ loved the church and gave himself forit, to sanctify it by purifying it with the baptism ofwater in the word» (Eph. 5: 25–26). The idea of thepresidency of a man in marriage is the concept of thepresidency of God over Christ, and Christ over a man.Ultimately, the presidency aims to magnify thesubmissive personality.

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