
The article examines current trends in the labor market at the level of Poltava region, in particular, analyzes the demand and supply of labor. It was found that despite the positive trends in the labor market, there is a significant imbalance of labor in the region, as during the analyzed period the number of registered unemployed citizens is almost ten times higher than the number of available vacancies. The reasons for the imbalance between supply and demand of labor are highlighted. The structure of labor demand by types of economic activity and by professional groups is analyzed. It was found that the largest number of vacancies was registered in the processing industry, and the smallest – in the field of financial and insurance activities. The structure of the labor supply by sex, age groups and education is studied. An analysis of the dynamics of employment and unemployment in the region. The dynamics of personnel movement indicators is studied and the main reasons for staff turnover are identified. The priority directions of labor market development at the regional level are offered.

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