
Modern approaches to the philosophical and psychological perception of ambivalence were defined and its influence on the process of commander’s decision-making in the uncertain environment was analysed in the article.The relevance of the study. Nowadays, the Ukrainian Army more than ever before needs commanders capable of non-standard, quick thinking, right decision-making in the uncertain environment, and sharp actions in the course of complex military tasks. The sense of ambivalence significantly influences commander’s decision. The aim of the research. To actualise the problem of the commander’s decision-making in the uncertain environment, to outline the philosophical and psychological aspects of ambivalence and its influence on the decision-making process in the uncertain environment. The methods of the research. Analytical and review studies of literature.The sense of ambivalence significantly influences the commander’s decision. Ambivalence can be viewed as inconsistency and contradiction of several simultaneously opposite feelings, thoughts, desires concerning one and the same phenomenon or object. It can both activate the cognitive sphere of the commander’s personality and have an inhibitory effect on the decision-making process. Ambivalence of the individual in the uncertain environment is formed in response to the change of various conditions, when there is a decrease in the intensity of adjustments, that have already been systematised. The effect of local adaptive adjustments, which have not been acknowledged or formed by the personality, is actualised. Mutually exclusive oppositions of the personality’s value orientations, that are characterised by equal strength and volume, are formed. The choice in favor of one or another or their synthesis depends on the formation of the commander’s personality. This makes it possible to resist negative influences and find a solution to the internal contradictions in the process of decision-making in the uncertain environment.

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