
Introduction. The article considers the problem of developing healthy self-esteem in adolescents with a high level of neuroticism as the basis of psychological well-being. The main scientific approaches to the problem of self-esteem, neuroticism and psychological well-being of the individual are analyzed. The importance of the problem of healthy self-esteem, psychological well-being and resilience of young people as one of the most vulnerable segments of the population is noted.Healthy self-esteem is an important factor for effective self-realization, harmonious self-awareness and psychological well-being. Self-esteem accumulates social adaptation and life experience of the individual as a whole, acts as the main regulator of activity. Early adolescence is a period of a certain stabilization of the personality, a system of stable views of the world and its place in it is formed, self-esteem grows, a sense of self-worth arises. Young men and women who experience constant psychological stress, uncertainty about the future, aggression, loneliness, do not form adequate self-acceptance, fear, anxiety, inadequate self-esteem, that is, a complete lack of psychological well-being.Purpose. The aim of the article is to consider an empirical study of the development of healthy self-esteem in adolescents with a high level of neuroticism as the basis of psychological well-being.Methods.The study used theoretical analysis of scientific sources, diagnostic techniques and statistical methods of data processing.Originality. This raises the issue of developing healthy (adequate) self-esteem and reducing the level of neuroticism, as the basis of psychological well-being in boys and girls who would adequately perceive themselves and others, easily adapt to difficult life circumstances, interact effectively with others, feel harmony in himself. Since early adolescence is the first step to independent adult life, it is important to feel psychologically comfortable during this period. The aim of the article is to analyze the results of an empirical study of the development of healthy self-esteem in adolescents with a high level of neuroticism as a basis for psychological well-being.Conclusion. Based on the results, it is concluded that neurotic boys and girls tend to have low self-esteem. A psycho-correctional program for the development of healthy self-esteem in boys and girls with a high level of neuroticism as a basis for psychological well-being has been developed and tested. A comparative analysis of the results of self-esteem and neuroticism before and after psychocorrectional training showed that it was possible to reduce the level of neuroticism and raise the level of self-esteem to the average level. Further research and development of effective and accurate psychological recommendations for the development of healthy self-esteem in boys and girls with a high level of neuroticism as a basis for psychological well-being for parents, teachers, psychologists, social workers in the education system is needed.

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