
This article aims, with a detailed insight into the historical process of Khul’ divorce in two phases in Arabia before Islam and after Islam, to discover the creation of successive theories and the evolution of ‘the Khul’ divorce institution’ to its current form as supporting Iranian legislation. While presenting the views of the jurists, we encountered two streams of thought as regards the dissolution of the marriage by the woman, and this indicates the sparkling of a new idea in this legal institution and the distancing from the point of view of early jurists (Ibn Bābawayh, Shaikh Sadūq, Seyyed Murtaza). The first idea was known as ‘the necessity of Khul’ divorce’, founded by Abul-Salah Halabi and substantiated by Allameh Helli; but, their views in this regard channeled a deviant current. From the beginning of this period, and to follow Sallar Deylami, Khul’ was categorized as a kind of divorce from the side of the husband. The second type of idea known as swap Khul’ was originated by Mirza Qumī and the Second Martyr (Shahīd Thānī). After extracting these two theories and by inspiration from the views of the early jurists, it seems that we can review the current ‘Khul’ divorce institution’ and establish a new theory.

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