
The paper presents the results of theoretical studies to determine the economic essence of digital industrialization. The relevance of this topic is due to: firstly, the importance of industrialization for maintaining and increasing the competitive position of certain territories; secondly, the fact that traditional industrialization does not reflect the possibility of effective use of enterprise digital assets and the potential of the digital ecosystem. All this requires substantiation of the need to introduce into the scientific circulation the concept of “digital industrialization” used in business. To determine the genetic characteristics of this process, as well as the distinctive features of digital and traditional industrialization, general scientific research methods were used (etymological, evolutionary, structural and systemic analysis), as well as an analysis of this concept from the point of view of technical and technological, organizational, economic, institutional and sociocultural approaches. It is proved that digital industrialization is associated with progress and affects changes in four areas: engineering and technology, management, institutions and society. At each stage of the society development, industrialization is based on various critical factors. It was revealed that digital industrialization as a process of industrial transformation has all the signs of consistency. Using the method of comparative analysis, the system parameters of the process under study were investigated: integrity, coverage of many elements, the formation of a hierarchical structure, the development of stable relationships, the integration of all processes. The study made it possible to show the current and potential role and place of digital industrialization in the formation of modern reality, to assess its possibilities of unlimited scaling of obtaining positive effects at all levels of the production system (from the enterprise to the national and global industry).

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