
Technological and demographic changes have actualized the question of the influence of the nature of employment and the parameters of the workplace on the quality of a person’s working life. A scientific review and analysis of the impact of current trends in employment modes on the quality of human life is presented. Based on the literature review, it has been concluded that if there is unanimity among scientists about the positive impact of the regime of protected and standard employment on the quality of life, there is active debate about the impact of the regime of vulnerable and precarious employment. Also, based on the analysis of the literature, it has been determined that people’s subjective satisfaction does not always coincide with a positive impact on the objective quality of life. The study is based on comparative and correlation analysis as a method for processing statistical data from the OECD, ILO and WB. The employment regimes were classified according to four enlarged groups: economic sectors, professions, status, and employment regime. The assessments of the quality of life were classified according to three indicators: the human development index, the quality of life index and the international happiness index. The most important factors in the development of the labor market, influencing the quality of working life, have been identified: parameters of the quality of the workplace (the level of wages, employment stability, qualifications of workers, the level of social and legal guarantees) and the general level of employment. The most reasoned point of view was revealed: the regime of standard protected employment (permanent full-time work under a formal contract) has a positive effect, and the regime of precarious work (various options for informal, temporary or part-time employment) has a negative impact on the quality of life. The protected employment regime (hired labor and selfemployment as an entrepreneur) has a positive effect, while the vulnerable employment regime (individual self-employment and intra-family employment) has a negative impact on the quality of life. The transition to a “new” economy and highly skilled jobs has a significant impact on the quality of working life. The opinion of experts about non-standard forms of employment as a single category is refuted. The positive influence of the mode of part-time employment on the quality of life is revealed, the contradictory influence of the mode of temporary employment on the quality of life is shown. Achievement of material well-being and sociopolitical stability to a large extent contradicts the subjective happiness of people and the protection of the environment.

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