
We present study of solar flare of 19 July 2000 which arose in active region NOAA 9087 and had M 5.6 / 3N importance. Observational material was obtained with the Echelle spectrograph of the horizontal solar telescope of the Astronomical Observatory of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The local magnetic fields in this flare were measured by the splitting of emissive peaks of the FeI 5269.54, FeII 4923.93, Нα, Нβ, Нγand D3 HeI lines. The basic idea of the method is based on the fact that the flare emission in some spectral lines is clearly divided into two components: (1) wider and unpolarized, and (2) more narrow and polarized, with significant Zeeman splitting. This is indication to the two-component structure of the magnetic field, with substantially different magnetic fields and thermodynamical conditions in these two components. Due to the fact that the polarized emission is quite confidently separated from the unpolarized, it is possible to measure the local magnetic fields directly in the second (strong) component regardless of the filling factor. It was found that in the bright place of this flare, which was projected on the sunspot penumbra, the effective magnetic field Beff in the FeI 6301.5 i 6302.5 lines measured by splitting of the Fraunhofer profiles, was 900 G. However, the splitting of emissive peaks in Нα, Нβ, Нγ and D3 lines corresponds to 1000 G, 1400 G, 1450 G and about zero, respectively, with errors of 30-50 G for abovenamed FeI lines and about 100–150 G for other lines. This difference in the results is probably due to the fact that in the case of FeI 6301.5 i 6302.5 lines, the Beff value represents several parameters, including the value of the background field, the filling factor, and the intensity of the local fields in the strong component. In contrast, data on the Нα, Нβ, Нγ, and D3 lines mainly reflect local fields in the strong component and indicate the nonmonotonous distribution of the magnetic field with height in solar atmosphere, with its maximum at the chromospheric level. Earlier in this flare, when constructing its semi-empirical model, local amplification of the magnetic field at the photospheric level was discovered, and its value reached 1500 G. These data are confirmed by direct measurements of splitting of emissive peaks in FeI 5269.54 and FeII 4923.93 lines, according to which the magnetic field in the flare was 1250 ± 100 G. Thus, in this flare there were at least two regions (possibly two flat layers) of local amplification of the magnetic field.

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