
The monograph provides a system of arguments that prove, based on the application of a historical approach, that the routing and filling of trade routes with cargo flows, the implementation of current infrastructure and integration projects are due not only to economic, but also political and military-strategic considerations. The results of historical research are given, according to which the Great silk road was not a specific route, not several routes, or even a transport and trade network, but, first of all, an entire political, military-strategic, social, economic, cultural and religious space, concentrated in certain points (centers). New results of constructing the theoretical base of the transit economy (TE) in terms of identifying the geopolitical base and directions of its functioning are presented. It is shown that Russia's priority in the Central Asian countries is not so much economic interests as political activity and the development of fuel and energy complex and the growth of the country's foreign policy weight and capabilities in global and regional cooperation are interrelated. The role of geopolitical and military-strategic considerations in Russia's relations with China, India, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Syria is revealed. It is proved that the basis for expanding Russia's influence in Central and Western Asia should be the development and implementation of joint regional infrastructure integration projects and their integration with global initiatives. Special attention is paid to the identification and analysis of positive and negative geopolitical results of digitalization of trade routes, scaling up the use of information technologies in the implementation of infrastructure and integration projects in Russia and in the space of Global Eurasia. It is shown that a large role in the implementation of Russian interests is played by solving the problems of generating, distributing and assigning revenues from the implementation of infrastructure and integration projects, forming nodes for creating added value in the conditions of creating and implementing intelligent transport systems. The monograph is intended for managers and specialists of public administration and corporate management, researchers, politicians, postgraduates and students.

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