
The article deals with the issues of the future Technologies teachers’ economic competence forming in the process of their professional training in the aspect of the problem of the future pedagogues’ general economic education in the current conditions of higher pedagogical education development, economic thinking of future specialists as the leading tasks of pedagogical science and practice.The achievements of scientists as for determining the content and structure of the future teachers’ economic competence are systematized. As the result its multidimensional character and the diversity of structure has been established that revealed the significance of the problem and determined the need to study this phenomenon in the process of professional training at higher educational establishments.The content and structure outline the future Technologies teachers’ economic competence as an interconnected combination of motivational, cognitive, operational-active, productive-reflexive components which directly influence its formation in the process of professional training of future Technologies teachers. The main components of the future Technologies teachers’ economic competence formed in the process of their professional training are characterized. The future Technologies teachers’ economic competence is determined to be the set of educational elements, covering the system of economic knowledge, skills, practical skills and valuable attitude to economic knowledge that is focused on the pedagogical activity of future Technologies teachers. The formation of a certain quality ensures awareness by the personality of the practical significance of the economic mechanism and its functioning in the relations of production and distribution, exchange and consumption, the effective use of the human labor results, etc.

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