
Important on the modern stage of development the economy of Ukraine of creation of favorable terms and new possibilities of fund market functioning for the sake of providing of national economy transformation, withstand development of international relations and integration of Ukraine in world space. Exactly success of fund market development leads to the necessity of realization of concrete measures in relation to the increase of liquidity, capitalization, transparency and strengthening of control for activity of fund market from the side of the state, forming of purposeful state strategy of fund market, upgrading the grant of services and service of customers, popularity and trust of citizens to the development of fund market and all like that. A research aim is an analysis of fund market development and prognostication of measures for an improvement and activation of its activity in the direction of professional preparation of specialists for work at the fund market. The methodological basis of research became methods of dialectics, methods and principles of scientific cognition, instruments of economic analysis with aim to forming of certain methodologies of analysis and evaluation of activity of fund market, that allow to accept correct administrative decisions in a post-war period of proceeding in the country economy. The basic hypothesis of research is supposition, that take in attention the instruments of fund market development improved and existent in foreign practice, will allow to improve and extend the sphere of activity of fund market, and start of the new educational programs of preparation the specialists for a fund market and it will promote professionalism of participants and culture of investing in a population. Exposition of basic material of research. It is well-proven that is existing a row of problems that restrain development and effective functioning of the Ukrainian fund market, in particular unstable economic situation in a country, insufficient transparency of market and low level internals of services that is given by certain exchange stocks, insufficient legislative adjusting and others like that. Therefore potential of fund market practically is not used. Reasonable necessity to carry out certain measures in relation to the normal functioning of fund market like activation of functioning of story level of the pension system, bank to the sector, increase of financial education of population and general culture of participants in relation to the self-weighted bringing in investments to the market, bringing of international partners, forming of the new legal mechanisms orientated on European and world effective in general lines norms and rules of fund market functioning. Originality and practical meaningfulness of research are confirmed by the offered directions of improvement of fund market activity and ground of the necessary educational programs of preparation the specialists for it. Conclusions and prospects of further researches. The conducted research allowed to establish, that to basic directions of modernization and fund market development it is possible to take the increase of efficiency of adjusting the activity of issuers of fund market, introduction of new tool at the fund market; stimulation of coming of investments is to the fund market; providing of the reliable and effective functioning of fund market infrastructure; realization of effective public policy of improvement of investment climate. Further researches will be sent to original educational program development in relation to expansion of limits of specialty «Finances, banking and insurance» to the level «Finances, banking, insurance and fund market».

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