
One of the important reasons of soil erosion and sediment production in irrigation and drainage canal networks is the soil instability. Erosion mechanism in this type of channel starts with the impact of raindrops and soil aggregation, so that broken fine particles lead to blockage the pores. In this condition, soil permeability is reduced compared to the initial state and runoff that is increasing. Increased runoff on slopes of moderate to steep, rises shear stress sharply which causes soil destruction and produces sediment production. To overcome this problem, suitable vegetation cover deployment is appropriate, but in some situations, vegetation cover establishment is not possible simply due to special circumstances and it is not the best solution in the short term as well. One of the ways of controlling erosion on slopes is the use of various mechanical structures, commonly used in engineering projects, that is associated with expensive costs. Another solution that was tested in this research, is the use of natural corrective materials such as organic mulch and natural rectifier materials. In this study, by using four types of various organic mulch, soil erosion resistance of various parameters of the drain canal bank was studied using simulated rainfall in the rainfall laboratory of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute. In this article, the results of using bio mulch for erosion control, on the drainage channel bank are provided. This study aimed to determine the most appropriate type and density of different mulch on canal bank erosion reduction for irrigation and drainage network channel project that is located in Arayez plain of Khuzestan. With the use of four organic mulch, at least 40 experiments on soil samples were done. For the all laboratory tests, 25 kg soil samples were pressed inside the steel basins, to imply the bulk density of soil in nature. Treatments in the flume with a slope of 1 to 1.25, similar side slope drains, in both 30 and 80 mm per hour rainfall intensity were simulated. Each treatment was applied at three densities. The results showed that all mulch treatments compared with control samples had a significant effect on sediment and it confirmed that the bio mulch are effective in the erosion control of the bank drainage channel. The results showed that the mulch will lead to reduce sediment more than 90 percent. Therefore, the use of mulch 1 and 4 in the highest density, have the greatest impact on the rate of erosion. It was also found that by increasing density of mulch, the amount of sediment reduced significantly.

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