
Industrial vibration is still one of the most common harmful factors of the working environment, which causes an increase in the number of cases of vibration disease. The aim of the study is to analyze of the occupational health risk management system for workers exposed to industrial vibration. Materials and methods. The article presents an expert analysis of the regulatory legal framework regulating the issues of working conditions and health of employees of vibration-hazardous professions. The linear regression method was used to analyze the working conditions of employees and occupational morbidity. Results. Vibration disease for the period 2004‑2021 is characterized by a significant trend in the growth of the number of cases, amounting to +0.27 %/year. Hygienic and biomedical risk management technologies allow the employer to monitor the working environment and the health of employees of vibration-hazardous professions, to form risk groups for the development of vibration disease for the development of targeted prevention and rehabilitation programs. Conclusion. In order to increase the effectiveness of the existing occupational risk management system, it is necessary to update regulatory legal acts: to adopt «full vibration acceleration» as a normalized parameter of vibration in the workplace; to bring the provisions of the Methodology of the SOT in accordance with the current hygienic standards for general vibration. It is advisable to develop methods for assessing individual levels of occupational risk with justification of appropriate risk scales, as well as corporate programs for managing the risk of health disorders of employees.

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