
The significant funds annually are allocated under the government’s support for agriculture from the federal budget and the subject’s budgets of the Russian Federation. In this regard, one of the priorities of the control and audit departments should carry out audit of the use of public funds to support agriculture (hereafter - the performance audit). Auditing the effectiveness includes three main phases: a preparatory phase, during which the preliminary study of the control measures subjects, according to its results, the guidelines for the conduct of the performance audit are prepared; the main stage, which includes the collection, validation and analysis of data required to audit the facilities, and also obtain information from other sources. As a result of this phase check acts are signed; the final phase, during which findings, conclusions and recommendations are formed, a report on the results of performance audit are prepared and considered in due course. At the preparatory stage, the particular attention is paid to the identification and analysis of possible risks in the use of public funds. Taking into account the evaluation subject, the audit objectives and further on each of these criteria for evaluating the effectiveness are selected, representing the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the organization, processes and results of the use of public funds and the activities of audit objects that show what should be the organization and processes and the results are a testament to efficient use of public funds.

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