
The article explores the themes characteristic of the work of the Khanty writer M.I.Shulgin (1940—2007). This study proceeds from the fact that the writer and his works are insufficiently studied in domestic literary criticism. Little attention is paid to the poetic works of M.Shulgin only in the regional curriculum. The main research methods are the analysis of scientific literature on the research topic, the cultural-historical method that studies the reflection of a cultural era in a work of art, hermeneutics aimed at interpreting the text and the method of system-holistic analysis of a literary work. As a result of the study, the following conclusion is drawn: the themes characteristic of M. Shulgin’s work mainly reflect the mythological and cosmological ideas of the Ob Ugrians, namely, the Khanty people. These are such themes as the themes of the motherland, native nature, ancestors. However, Shulgin, stating the irreversibility of the changes brought by modernity to the Khanty’s life, cultivates in his work such themes as the theme of labour, scientific and technological progress. A special place in Shulgin’s work is occupied by the children’s theme, which is also associated with the idea of the Khanty people that the upbringing of children should take place through familiarization with the people’s culture through fairy tales that reflect their mythological ideas.

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