
The article substantiates the necessity of forming a culture of conscious digital consumption. It is noted that the categorical apparatus of the main concepts of digital consumption is not unambiguous and is at the stage of formation. The evolution of a number of definitions from the initial research models of "digital literacy", "digital competence", "digital consumption" to the intermediate models of "digital security", "digital inequality" and the modern model of "aware digital culture" in the context of domestic and foreign researchers is studied. The importance of taking into account the aspects of planetary synergy is emphasized so that each state does not lose its own identity, but is also not antagonistic to world trends and forms its own type of digital culture, which would be determined by scientific, technological, socio-economic and educational development programs. The prerequisites of digital transformation, opportunities for e-business and the trends of digital consumption are identified, among which the main ones are: the growth of online shopping, the emergence of new digital markets, the use of digital payments, increased competition, the influence of social media and multi-channel promotion. It was emphasized that these trends have a great impact on personal and social life and the business environment, and digital transformation will continue at an accelerated pace in the future. The advantages and disadvantages of digital consumption are determined. It is noted that an important task today is the formation of a culture of conscious digital consumption to help citizens become more conscious and aware of the use of digital technologies and services, reduce the risks of problems and increase the benefits of their use. The importance of compliance with cyber security rules, ensuring protection of copyright and personal data and responsible use of digital resources was emphasized. Attention is focused on Digital minimalism as a process of restructuring daily habits and value system, consciously rejecting applications and sites that spam time, removing information noise and going offline of all processes that are susceptible to it. The authors claim that the experience of digital limitations is only the beginning for conscious consumption, management of digital experience, digital behavior and responsible consumption of digital content for benefit, not harm. Further research will be aimed at forming a mechanism for implementing the culture of conscious digital consumption into social life and business practice Key words: digital consumption, digital literacy, digital competences, digital security, digital responsibility, culture of conscious digital consumption.

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