
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University) The paper advocates the need to move from separate stages of the product life cycle (LC; R&D, production, operation) to a single project implemented in a new paradigm of system design based on software and methodological tools of model-based systems engineering (MBSE). Currently available in Russia foreign software (SW) and methodological MBSE tools for the design and development (D&D) of systems (including space instruments) are expensive and complex. This paper formulates and considers the question: «Is it possible to reduce the cost and simplify the use of software and methodological MBSE tools by means that are available to a wide audience of users?». To answer this question, the authors analyzed SysML, QFD method, HoQ method, and the SW for their application. As the result of literature review, it is shown that in the leading countries, the relevance of implementing these tools in the design and development of hardware and software systems is increasing. For the use of SysML, QFD, HoQ by a wide audience of potential users from Russian Federation were defined software tools. 13 disadvantages that prevent the application of SysML, QFD and HoQ, as well as SW for their use were identified. In order to overcome the identified disadvantages, was developed SW and methodological MBSE tool based on modernization, specification and synthesis of SysML, QFD, HoQ and SW for their application. The developed MBSE SW and methodological tool allows for a wide audience of users to D&D systems in accordance with MBSE approach (QFD, HoQ, SysML), to identify critical requirements of different development elements, to develop automatically (in a few hours instead of several days) and update SysML models of requirements, to reduce labor costs for the implementation of the D&D LC stages of future analog products by 5-10%. As a result of validation of SysML models, it is proved that their repeated use reduces the planning time of the LC stages of analog products by up to 60%, increases the compliance of the reporting documentation of the LC stages with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents by 10%.

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