
The Author has defined the conceptual bases of construction of personnel policy in the enterprises in accordance with the strategy of its development. The implementation of an enterprise development strategy is realized primarily by constructing personnel policy, which currently has to be innovative-oriented. Contents of personnel policy is not limited in hiring of manpower, it concerns the principal positions of the enterprise in respect to training, personnel development, ensuring a good interaction between the subjects of social and labor relations. The analysis of personnel policy, that exists at concrete enterprises, allows to show the degree of enterprise responsibility to social medium during the formation of personnel structure. Also, the author marked a principal orientation of enterprise toward internal or external sources of recruitment an innovative-active personnel. On this basis, there are traditionally allocated two types of personnel policy - opened and closed. Depending on management, this can be distinguished some different types of personnel programs, which oriented at solving of operational, tactical or strategic problems. These programs include a variety of personnel activities, certain works and projects, aimed at improving the quality of personnel, development of its skills to innovation and rationalization. To create a modern personnel policy in the enterprise, the author proposes an introduction of a new method of performance evaluation in practice in the staff capacity. This method is based on a scoring system or a system of expert evaluations. It can be used for evaluation of the innovative component of labor as well as for an estimation of psychometric characteristics of each the employee individually and also for evaluation of the overall labor potential of the enterprise. In this method should those evaluation criteria component factors be used that affect on staff capacity. The method of expert evaluations can be used for evaluation of creativity or innovative activity of individual workers, by the same way, it can be used for evaluation of the overall creativity of labor in the enterprise.

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