
The purpose of this paper is to describe how the ethical and medical tradition of the asian martial arts have developed. The asians martial arts are for the first a fighting technique. The aim of the fighting technique is the opposite to bring under one`s control or to kill. But druing the developing process of the fighting technique has changed the natural aim from violence to the vehicles for spiritual education and healthy movement. This change is not natural. If one wants to know the asian martial arts itself, he must to understand the genesis and developing process of the ethical and medical tradition of the asian martial arts. The ethical tradition of the asian martial arts has origined in the it`s social influence. A martial arts, in general, appears, develops and disappears in the society. Therefor, the asian martials is characterized by the asian moral system. The origin of the medical tradition of the asian martial arts is not long. The Hua to animal movement(화타의 오금희) and tao-in-tao in Changsu(장사지방의 도인도) are not a martial arts. These were a gymnastic for the health. The contact between the martial arts and the gymnastic for the health is achived at the modern time.

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