
The article considers the reception of the personality of Taras Shevchenko by Ukrainian and Russian authors. The results of this study, done by Olga Viernik, also the author of this article, indicate that the writers of the „Lanka”-MARS and „Serapion Brothers” associations (Yevhen Pluzhnyk, Ivan Bahrianyi, Mikhail Zoshchenko) presented their own creative reception of Taras Shevchenko’s personality. The author found out that Mikhail Zoshchenko was of Ukrainian descent, knowing ukrainian history and literature very well, highly appreciated the work of Taras Shevchenko. In 1939, when the poet Taras Shevchenko’s one hundred and twenty-five years birthday was celebrated, Mikhail Zoshchenko wrote the historical novel „Taras Shevchenko”. Then he became the head of the anniversary committee of Taras Shevchenko in Leningrad and wrote preface to the Russian translation of the main book of Taras Shevchenko „Kobzar”. In his historical novel „Taras Shevchenko”, Mikhail Zoshchenko presented the well-known facts of the poet’s biography. Right till then, no Russian readers were familiar with the complete biography of the ukrainian poet. The author Viernik O. emphasized that Mikhail Zoshchenko presented his own translations of the famous poems of Taras Shevchenko. And in these translations, he used the poetic size of measures – the verliber. Mikhail Zoshchenko himself translated only those poems of Taras Shevchenko, which were the most important for his personality. The author proved that for ukrainian poets Yevhen Pluzhnyk and Ivan Bahrianyi, the personality of Taras Shevchenko was of great importance. They focused on the personality of the poet, took an example from him. The works of Yevhen Pluzhnyk „Shevchenko”, „Galileo”, „Kaniv” demonstrate his personal attitude toward Taras Shevchenko and deep respect for his work. The author of this article found out that Yevhen Pluzhnyk estimates his contemporaries depending on their attitude toward Taras Shevchenko. Yevhen Pluzhnyk and Ivan Bahrianyi created works about the city of Kanev, where locates the grave of Taras Shevchenko. Ukrainian authors believe that here is the soul of Taras Shevchenko and the national conscience of the ukrainian people. Ivan Bahrianyi wrote the poem „Kaniv”, which is called the same as the poem by Yevhen Pluzhnyk. Crimson is worried about contemporaries who have lost respect for the past. The contemporaries of ukrainian poets are indifferent to Shevchenko’s ideals, to his dream of freedom and the happiness of the ukrainian people. The author of this article emphasized that the fact of the existence of works about Taras Shevchenko in both ukrainian and russian literary groups confirms her belief of the similarity of the creative principles in both literary groups.


  • Зощенко не тільки написав історичну повість „Тарас Шевченко”, а й очолив ювілейний комітет поета в Ленінграді, написав передмову до перекладеного на російську мову „Кобзаря” в серії „Бібліотека поета”

  • Який став духовних батьком української нації: „Всей своей жизнью, всей своей поэзией Шевченко показал, как может быть силен и мужествен человек, как он может быть неподкупен, как велика его честность, как страшен его гнев и как непреклонна его воля к свободе и независимости

  • М. Зощенко в історичній повісті „Тарас Шевченко” не тільки відтворив загальновідомі факти біографії поета (які на той час для російського читача були новими), але й навів власний переклад „конспективним верлібром” тих поезій Т

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Шевченко письменник репрезентує таким чином, щоб читач вже з самого початку розумів мужню геніальність поета. Зощенко репрезентує головні перепони в житті поета, підкреслює унікальність особистості Т. Проте, ми вважаємо за необхідне звернути увагу саме на ті моменти, які виявляють авторську рецепцію і свідчать про значимість особистості українського поета в художньому світі письменника.

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