
自从全面开放二胎政策实施以来,在面对家里有第二个孩子的家庭新环境下,头胎儿童对此出现的各种问题和状况已成为研究新热点。家庭是儿童早期社会化的重要场所,父母的教养方式、家庭的环境氛围等都是儿童早期社会能力习得的重要因素。父母成功协调其教养方式是头胎儿童面对同胞关系转型的关键,积极的父母教养方式对于困难型气质特征的儿童来说是一个保护因素,破坏性的父母教养方式会对头胎儿童的社会适应产生消极影响。困难型气质特征的头胎儿童更有可能在弟妹出生后产生反抗的心理,此类特征的儿童社会适应与社会互动能力较差。也有研究发现,弟妹的出生也有助于促长头胎儿童的亲和力和合作性行为,提高儿童的社会能力发展。 Since the implementation of the two-child policy, the problems and conditions of the first-born children have become a new hot spot when they face a second child in their family. Family is an important part in children’s early socialization; parental rearing and family atmosphere are the important factors of children's early social functioning acquisition. Successful co-ordination of parenting way is the key to the transformation of their children’s relationship to their siblings. Positive parental rearing way is a protective factor for children with difficulty temperament trait; destructive parental rearing way can negatively affect the social adaptation of the first-born children. Children with difficult temperament traits are more likely to develop resistance after the birth of a second child. These children are poor in social adaptation and social interaction. The study also found that the birth of a second child also helps to promote elective affinities and cooperative behavior for the first-born children, raising social ability for children.

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