
The social and labor sphere in the conditions of digital transformation requires special care of the state and theoretical comprehension of the possibilities of the state employment regulation. The article aims at carrying out systemic analysis of opportunities, features and directions of the state influence on employment in the context of economy digitalization. Technological changes form new challenges in the field of social and labor relations, relations concerning the human resources formation and involvement, and the involvement of people in economic activities. These are changes that create uncertainty and risks both in the system of employment and self-realization of human labor potential, and in the system of income. Digital technologies have created a completely specific work process, bringing changes into all its elements, namely: the subject and means of labor, technology, organization and result of labor. The impact of digital technologies on labor market changes take place in several important directions, namely: the intensification of migration processes; interprofessional and intra-firm mobility; development of modern employees’ adaptive skills; ability to learn throughout life; growth of the competitive advantages of educated, professional, and creative staff; development of flexible forms of employment. Contradictory processes in the field of labor and socio-labor relations make special requirements to socio-economic policies in employment promote. Modern employment policy has close complementary links with human development policy. Its important direction is the one of creating an effective retraining system, helping to acquire new professional competencies, and it involves close cooperation with the educational sphere. Mechanisms for de-shadowing hidden unemployment and eradicating informal employment, especially its precarious forms, are of great relevance to the Ukrainian economy. An important aspect of expanding employment opportunities is promoting the development of remote employment together with its consistent institutionalism.

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