
본 농가 실증시험에서 대조구(관행 이앙재배 및 화학적 제초제 2회 처리방법)에 비하여 무논써레 직후 왕우렁이 치패(새끼)를 ha당 12kg 처리(1차)와 무논점파(철분코팅볍씨이용) 후 유묘 2엽기경(파종 후 15일) 왕우렁이 새끼(치패) ha당 10kg(2차) 체계투입으로 100%의 높은 논 잡초방제 효과가 인정되었다. 벼 유묘의 피해정도는 하위엽에 3%정도의 피해를 보였으나 뿌리가 활착된 상태에서 후속적인 생장점을 가진 엽의 지속적인 출현으로 벼의 초장과 분얼수에는 유의적인 피해차이가 나타나지 않았다. 새끼(치패) 왕우렁이를 투입하여 무논점파재배를 한 농사실증시험에서 최종적인 수량 및 품질에서는 관행 이앙재배와 통계적으로 유의적인 차이가 없는 것으로 조사되었다. This experiment was conducted to determine a potential effective biological weed control and/or rice young seedling injury by golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) at wet hill seeded rice field. The rice seeds used were treated by iron-coating. The efficacy of weed control as affected by golden apple snail has been tested with twice applications of young golden apple snails of 12 kg (24,000 young snails, <TEX>$0.5g{\pm}10%$</TEX> per young snail, 30~40 days after hatching) per ha at the same day after harrowing and applied with rate of 10 kg (20,000 young snails) per ha at 15days after seeding, respectively. The comparison of this experiment was of the conventional machine transplanted rice paddy field in terms of weed control and rice plant injury as a visual grade. The weed efficacy was of 100% similar with the conventional paddy field which was applied by systematic herbicides of pre-emergence and post-emergence chemical herbicides and there was 1~3% significant rice young seedling injury but no yield losses and grain quality due to the input of golden apple snail.

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