
The study demonstrated the analyses of the species composition of greenery in T.G. Shevchenko Rivne Reacreation park and recent ecological problems of park plantations. A valuable collection of both local and world plants consists of 145 species, two of which ( Larix polonica, Taxus baccata ) are included into the Red List of Ukraine. The green zone is 77.5% of the total park area and most of trees more than 50 years old. Last decade or since 2003, leave just one of trees and bushes have been decreased by 13.8% and 18.6% respectively resulting in worsening of species composition and decline in biodiversity. The park is divided into three zones: western, central and eastern. There are old alleys where 400 years old giant oak as well as other ancient trees species ( Aesculus hippocastanum , Carpinus betulus , Acer platano i des , Quercus robur , Pinus nigra , Pinus strobus ) in the western zone. The most common plant families such as: Aceraceae, Tiliaceae, Pinaceae, Cupressaceae, Oleaceae, Betulaceae, Bignoniaceae, Rosaceae, Berberidaceae, Salicaceae, Hippocastanaceae, Fagaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Fabaceae grow in this part. The eastern part of the park is represented by the the following plant families as: Hippocastanaceae, Pinaceae, Tiliaceae, Aceraceae, Betulaceae, Ulmaceae, Oleaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rosaceae. Our study shows that the park's dendroflora is represented by different ecological groups: xerophytes – 3.38%, mezo-xerophytes – 6.44%, xero-mesophytes – 1.78%, mesophytes – 86.19%, mezo-hydrophytes – 0.73%, hygrophytes – 1.48%. Our reseach provided information that the recreation area of the park is contaminated by emmisions from power generation, vehicles and waste resullting in decline of some tree and bush species. Despite the air pollution, the most of green plantations are in good condition and the grass cover is slightly damaged by visitors (less than 5% total area). The coefficient of phytomelioration efficiency of green plantations of the researched territory is 5.93 which corresponds to positive phyto-ameliorative characteristics of the object. The optimization of the species diversity for plant cover and green plantations of the park was suggested as the result of our study. Key words: park, green plantations, phytomelioration efficiency, digression, recreational area.

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