
In the present article it is analyzed the subject «asiatism» in Gorky’s work. It is shown that «asiatism» symbolizing for Gorky all negative qualities: pessimism, fatalism, passivity and stagnancy, continued the old dispute of Westerners and Slavophiles which has escalated at the end of the 19th — the beginning of 20th centuries. Is considered as the contradictory relation to the East during the silver age has influenced on fair of East of Gorky and his concept “two Easts”. In the article the dialectic change of the concept “asiatism” during the different periods of activity of the writer is traced. The idea of “asiatism” was personified for Gorky in the images, in “The Life of Matvei Kozhemyakin”, “Town of Okurov”, the cycle “Across Russia”, the epic The Life of Klim Samgin, etc.

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