
The development strategy of the municipality is certainly facing the future and contains individual functional strategies, which are commonly called politicians. These policies include cluster policy, which is gaining popularity when developing a strategy at the level of modern Russian regions, however, in some municipalities conditions may arise for the formation of a network of clusters. Therefore, consideration of clusterization issues at the level of municipalities is of interest from a theoretical and practical point of view. In the study of theoretical and applied problems caused by the formation of cluster policy at the municipal level, general scientific methods were used, including methods of logical, systemic, comparative and comparative analysis. The place of cluster policy in the structure of regional development strategies of the Central Federal District with an emphasis on the implementation of cluster policy in the Vladimir region is shown. The ideas about the cluster approach are systematized both from the point of view of the integration of organizations and the typology of clusters, and in relation to the relationship of cluster and network structures. An algorithm for constructing a cluster policy at the level of the municipality based on the results of the analysis of factors of the external and internal environment is developed. The scientific novelty of the developed procedures consists, firstly, in the proposal to use the results of the analysis to build morphological matrices that allow obtaining strategically significant solutions; secondly, in structuring the obtained solutions by the method of pairwise comparisons and by building a hierarchy of solutions; thirdly, in highlighting decisions on building a cluster of clusters from the perspective of a cluster approach, taking into account clustering trends, cluster typology options and the possibility of building networks. The proposed approach to the formation of cluster policy in the region was implemented in the process of developing development strategies for the three municipalities of the Vladimir region in 2018–2019.

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