
Currently, on the territory of the North Cau-casus Federal District, namely in the city of Stav-ropol, according to unofficial data, there are about 250 thousand domestic animals, including about 80 thousand dogs. Infection with invasive diseases accounts for 31-33% of the total number of diseases, which include blood-parasitic diseas-es, in the amount of 9-11 cases per 100 head. Invasion of Babesia canis varies depending on the season and averages 4% of the total number of diseases. In this regard, hematological parame-ters have been studied in acute and chronic course of babesiosis in dogs. As a result, it was revealed that in acute and chronic course there is a decrease in the number of eryth-rocytes to 4.756 ± 0.3149 * 1012 / l, which is lower than the reference values by 13.5%, and to 5.344 ± 0.781 * 1012 / l, which is lower by 2 , 8% respectively. There is also a decrease in hemoglobin in the acute course to 113.4 ± 7.567 g / l, or 5.5%, in the chronic course this hemato-logical indicator is within the reference values. A decrease in hematocrit is ob-served in both courses of babesiosis and amounts to 0.3252 ± 0.01925 l / l, which is 12.1% lower than the reference values in acute and up to 0.3496 ± 0.04137 l / l, or 5, 5% for chronic. Also, in the acute course of this disease, there is a decrease in leukocytes to 5.487 ± 0.4701 * 109 / l, which is 8.5% lower than the reference values. We paid special attention to the manifested changes in platelet counts, and re-vealed significant thrombocytopenia, in which there is a decrease in the number of platelets to 26.67 ± 2.8 * 109 / l, or 86.6%, as well as thrombocyte to 0.01973 ± 0.005502 cells / l, which is 90.1% lower than the reference values in acute course. And also in chronic cases, a decrease in platelets to 116.8 ± 10.97 * 109 / l, or 41.6%, and thrombocrit to 0.068 ± 0.01794 cells / l, or 66%, re-spectively, was revealed.

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