
Purpose. The purpose of the paper is the theoretical and empirical research of the psychological features of the physical self image of the persons with eating disorders. Methods. The research has been conducted on the basis of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko. The study involved 163 students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology. For the purpose of empirical research of psychological features of the physical self image of the persons with eating disorders, we have used the following psychodiagnostic methods: 1) the method of research of self-attitude to the physical self-image (A. G. Cherkashin); 2) questionnaire of body image (A. A. Skugarevsky and S. V. Sivukha); 3) Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) (D. M. Garner, M. P. Olmstead, J. P. Polivy); 4) EAT-26; 5) Dembo-Rubinstein technique (modification of Prychozhan). Results. According to the empirical research, we can state that among the selected sample, almost every tenth person belongs to the category of persons with eating disorders. It has been found in the research that: most students evaluate their anatomical (face, figure, legs, arms), functional (endurance, strength, flexibility, speed and agility) and social characteristics (clothing, accessories and cosmetics) at low level. Therefore, the physical self-image appeared as negative by these parameters. Respondents with eating disorders had a very high level of harassment and low self-esteem, including appearance and figure. That is, they were not satisfied with themselves and sought to achieve the ideal of the physical self- image. Conclusions. Negative physical self-image contributes to the appearance of dysfunctional beliefs about weight and body shape. The rejection of one’s appearance, negative evaluation of body and weight, pushes to find different ways to reconstruct one’s own body, which most often bring harm to physical and mental health.

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