
By results of information and analytical researches it was established high informational content of soil microbiological indicators, the reflecting direction and intensity of microbiological processes of nitrogen-containing compounds; the predictive value of indicators of soils integrated biochemical processes that are associated with transformation of soil nitrogen compounds; the effectiveness of using the established informativeness and predictive value of microbiological and biochemical indicators in the various types of soils nitrogen-containing compounds transformation for forecasting of the microelement status and simultaneous account the functional diversity of soil processes. The new method of different genesis soils microelement composition determination is grounded taking into account the orientation of microbiological transformation processes of nitrogen-containing substances, interaction of microbiological and biochemical components of nitrogen compounds of soils. The elaborated algorithm of the method includes: sampling, analysis and data acquisition; determination of soils microelement composition, their microbiological (indicators of the number of basic ecological-trophic microorganisms groups) and biochemical (integral biochemical parameters – non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation, ammonification and nitrification of soil) of the components of nitrogen compounds obtained by known methods; prediction of the soils elemental composition by regression equations, followed by the extension of the metod algorithm to the basic trace elements / heavy metals and soils of different types of a certain natural-climatic zone in the conditions of technogenic pollution and technological load. Due to the use of mathematical and statistical analysis, the establishing of new quantitative relationships of diagnostic indicators of the chemical and biological state of soils provides universality, increase informativeness, accuracy, expressiveness of the method in the background (natural) conditions, the impact of technological load, risk and the presence of technogenic pollution for soils quality management based on microelement composition and soil biogenicity. The patent protection method (patent for utility model № 124819 UA, 2018) provides the expressiveness of prediction of the soils microelement status and biogenicity; increase of accuracy and predictability of the soils qualitative state for the microelement composition.

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