
Objectives The purposes of this study The purpose of this study is to examine the specific aspects of out-of- school youth's process of dropping out of middle and high school and their experience of participating in programs at out-of-school youth support centers. This is to provide customized learning support for each learner's characteristics by supporting substantial programs for out-of-school youth.
 Methods Participants in this study selected 7 out-of-school youths who dropped out of the regular curriculum and had more than 1 year of experience using an out-of-school youth support center, 2 to 3 times depending on the research participant, 1 hour to 1 hour 30 times per time. A qualitative case study was conducted to identify and analyze the overall context through in-depth interviews.
 Results A total of 126 concepts, 34 subcategories, and 10 categories were derived in the process of describing, analyzing, and interpreting the experiences of research participants. ‘Shaking school life’, ‘Things to bump into’, ‘Entering the safe fence of Dream Dream’, ‘Experience of Dream Dream Counseling Support Program’, ‘Experience of Dream Dream Participation Activity Support Program’, ‘Experience of Dream Dream Education Support Program’, ‘Experience of Dream Dream job support program’, ‘Experience of Dream Dream self-reliance support program’, ‘Experience of Dream Dream health support program’, and ‘Challenging my dream in Dream Dream’ appeared.
 Conclusions This study investigated the experience of participating in out-of-school youth support center programs for adolescents who dropped out of school. Through this, it was emphasized that effective support should be provided by developing a program that can help out-of-school youth return to school and search for a career path.

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