
The research is aimed at solving the problems of applying long-term motivation to work in the civil service and municipal service. In the civil service, the problem of reducing motivation, which affects the stability of the staff and its professional level, remains. Scientists are given a mixed assessment of the long-term motivations of the delayed nature of incentives as effective methods of stabilization of the personnel. Therefore, the purpose of the work is to answer the question: what is the value of long-term motivation to work when motivating officials to enter the civil service and serve. The methodological basis of the study includes the theory of expectation of V. Vroom, the concept of level motivation of V. Teplov, as well as the works of leading Russian and foreign scientists on the problems of motivation of officials. The study used methods of system analysis, General scientific methods. To achieve this goal, the theory and practice of long-term motivation for work are analyzed, the relationship between long-term motivation and state guarantees of civil servants is established, the attitude of officials to state guarantees is studied, and a study of motivation of civil servants on the basis of two Executive bodies of the Kurgan region in 2018, which was attended by 98 civil servants. The results of the study showed that the majority of officials, among the respondents, long-term motivation in the form of state guarantees of the civil service are perceived as leading motivation for entering the public service and service, and, of particular importance are state guarantees of a social nature. The results confirmed the hypothesis of the importance of long-term motivation to work in the public service, the consolidation of officials in the service and motivation of their activities. The results of the study can be used to improve the Institute of personnel management in the public civil and municipal service. As a prospect for the study of long-term motivations, it seems appropriate to assess the effectiveness of their application in the public civil service of the Russian Federation.


  • The theory and practice of long-term motivation for work are analyzed, the relationship between long-term motivation and state guarantees of civil servants is established, the attitude of officials to state guarantees is studied, and a study of motivation of civil servants on the basis of two Executive bodies of the Kurgan region in 2018, which was attended by 98 civil servants

  • The results of the study showed that the majority of officials, among the respondents, long-term motivation in the form of state guarantees of the civil service are perceived as leading motivation for entering the public service and service, and, of particular importance are state guarantees of a social nature

  • The results confirmed the hypothesis of the importance of long-term motivation to work in the public service, the consolidation of officials in the service and motivation of their activities

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Долгосрочные мотивации на государственной гражданской службе

РЕФЕРАТ Исследование направлено на решение проблем применения долгосрочных мотиваций к труду на государственной гражданской службе и муниципальной службе. Поэтому целью работы является ответ на вопрос: какое значение имеют долгосрочные мотивации к труду при мотивации чиновников к поступлению на государственную службу и несению службы. Результаты исследования показали, что большинством чиновников, из числа опрошенных, долгосрочные мотивации в виде государственных гарантий гражданской службы воспринимаются как ведущие мотивации поступления на государственную службу и несения службы, причем, особо важное место занимают государственные гарантии социального характера. Полученные результаты подтвердили гипотезу о важном значении долгосрочных мотиваций к труду на государственной службе, при закреплении чиновников на службе и мотивации их деятельности. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы для совершенствования института управления персоналом на государственной гражданской и муниципальной службе. В качестве перспектив исследования долгосрочных мотиваций представляется целесообразным проведение оценки эффективности их применения на государственной гражданской службе РФ. Ключевые слова: государственная гражданская служба, муниципальная служба, долгосрочные мотивации к труду, гарантии государственной службы

Долгосрочные мотивации на государственной и муниципальной службе
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