
In this article the question about the influence of the natural sciences on the philosophical concepts of Arthur Schopenhauer and Vladimir Solovyov was raised. The influence of Kantian transcendental criticism on Schopenhauer's philosophy was studied. It was shown that this influence manifested itself very vividly in the Schopenhauer concept of «will to live». It was established that the ontological status of man as a «phenomenon» had an impact both on Schopenhauer's concept of death and on his ethics of compassion. It was emphasized that the natural world plays an important role in Soloviev’s philosophical concept. According to Soloviev the nature of a person is determined by three needs: «animals, mental and heart», while the ontological basis of all these three needs is life, that is, the ability to «exist». It was indicated that the moral feelings of a person justified by Soloviev – shame, conscience, pity, and reverence – are a kind of human «response» of a rational being to its natural instincts and needs. The parallels between the philosophical views of Schopenhauer and Solovyov were drawn. On the basis of this parallels it was concluded that, despite the significant differences in the worldview of these two very different thinkers in nature, their approach to philosophy was largely identical and was characterized by scientific objectivity, interdisciplinarity, the skill of argumentation, the sharpness of the mind, the desire to give reasonable answers to the «last questions» of philosophy.

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