
The article is based on an understanding of the possible functional and semantic classification of lexical units of the Portuguese language according to a graded criterion, which corresponds to the operational perspective of the semantic application of the language. One of the forms of visualization of grading operations can be a grading scale, or a graduation scale, the possibility of which is supported by the existence of an intuitive perception of a certain sample, a certain point of reference, a certain norm, above and below which are certain zones of units that fall into the grading situation. The author notes that the grading operator as a minimal linguistic variable is not only a marker that specifies the degree of deviation from a certain ordinary level and provides a modification of the value (movement down or up the axiological scale), but also an element of ordering reasoning, expression of opinion, and personal attitude of the Portuguese speaker. The article analyzes operators that belong to the group of high-degree and ultimate-measure graduators. The analysis of the combinability of the operators considered by the author allowed us to distinguish two ways of grading limit features in the Portuguese language: ingerent and extensive. Extensive gain has more to do with the verb, in the amplification of which the orientation of the actants are expressed more explicitly. This allows you to select a special type of gain – actant gain. However, even when grading adjectives, some Portuguese ultimate-measure gradators or graduators are able to participate in extensive models, such as the quantifier pronoun todo, toda (all, entire, whole). In addition to differences in the method of modifying a trait (extensive or inherent) and in the modal part of the value, ultimate measure operators differ in the nature of the trait representation. Some of them represent a trait in statics, regardless of its previous development (absolutamente, inteiramente, totalmente), and others represent the ultimate measure of the trait as the result of its previous development and accumulation (completamente, todo, de todo).

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