
Broadcast encryption is a cryptographic primitive that allows a sender to securely broadcast a message to a set of receivers. The most influential broadcast encryption system was proposed in 2001 by Naor, Naor, Lotspiech, based on a pseudo-random generator and the Subset Difference (SD) method. In this paper, we suggest a new broadcast encryption system that is based on secret sharing and SD methods. On an efficiency aspect, our system achieves  transmission cost, log   storage cost, and  computational cost for the number  of users and the number  of revoked users. Compared to log computational cost in the previous SD method, our system has the advantage that it needs only constant-sized computational cost for decryption, regardless of the number  or . On a security aspect, our system can achieve tighter security reduction than the previous SD method and the gap of security loss is about log. Moreover, our result shows that it is possible to give the effect of the SD method while using an information-theoretically secure key distribution technique as in the Complete Subtree method.

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