
It is the formation of a new and replenishment of the existing breeding and genetic bank and selection of the biotypes from the natural and semi-natural ecological systems, local, inland and foreign cultivars etc. that is actual in the implementation of the breeding programmers for the creation of new genotypes of minor crops the biological potential of which meets the modern requirements of horticulture. The analysis of the theoretical material has shown that the representatives of the species Sorbus domestica L. have the greatest importance for breeding which possesses a rather big areal in Ukraine (the Transcarpathia, locally under the conditions of the Lisosteppe), in the Baltic counties (Chernogoria, Serbia), Haly, France, Great Britain, Cheque, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Algeria, Tunissia and so on. In the natural conditions of Crimea and the Transcarpathia service-tree mountain ash grows as single trees mainly in the under-wood of beech-hornbeam, oak and hornbeam - oak forest. The analysis of the literary data has shown that outstanding scientists obtained a considerable amount of S. domestica in particular, 8 varieties were created. In Crimea the researchers of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden selected 6 forms from local samples the investigators of the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden (NBG) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine did one form 4 cultivars lected in – in Serbia, 3 – in Italy, 1 – in Great Britain. The M.M. Hryshko NBG experts state that in our country the service-tree mountain ash plants flowering stage falls on the end of the third decade of April or the beginning of the first one of May and in some years on the second decade of April on the average this stage lasts 10-14 days. In Ukraine the S. domestica fruits technical and complete ripeness begins in September-October. The every year fruit-bearing of the most of the service-tree mountain ash plants begins in the eight-twelfth years of life and the yield of a forty years tree may be 100-250 kg of fruits (maximum up to 1500 kg). Under the field conditions of the IH NAAS stationary among the numerous seedlings five S. domestica forms (F 01/17-G, F 04/17-G, F 12/17-G, F 19/17-G and F 22/17-G)were selected which are characterized with the increased hardiness concerning unfavourable environmental factors, green shades of leaves, distinguish themselves for the ornamentality of the crown form. The nitrogenous fertilizers are recommended to be used for the service tree mountain ash plants (including two-three years ones) only in spring (in April-May) and summer (July). The autumn top-dressing with the mentioned fertilizers should not be applied because it causes the vegetation period prolonging and the plants winter-hardiness decrease. In the framework of the scientific cooperation between the Institute of Horticulture and M.M. Hryshko NBG the S. domestica forms were explored on the territory of the above mentioned garden berries were selected and estimated as regards their morphological traits and biochemical properties for the further breeding on adaptability and quality.

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