
Purpose: to develop a method of combining the elements of learning in the educational process, which allow forming the soft skills competences and principles of academic integrity of higher education students in teaching the disciplines by specialty “Civil Security”. Methodology. Analysis of the educational process from the standpoint of the formation of soft skills competences and principles of academic integrity of higher education students in teaching the disciplines by specialty “Civil Security”. Systematization of elements of the educational process at the stage of developing a training curriculum for the implementation of interactive teaching methods, which provide opportunities for higher education students along with the basic scheduled learning outcomes to master the soft skills additionally, as well as to familiarize with the principles of academic integrity. Distinguishing the skills from the existing variety of soft skills, the provision of which is most favorable when teaching a particular learning material. Results. Studies have shown that the disciplines related to labor protection and civil protection are favorable educational components for the formation of soft skills competences and principles of academic integrity. It is determined that the implementation of a combination of teaching the basic material and providing the Soft skills competences along with the knowledge of the principles of academic integrity can be reached in three stages: to build up the structure of teaching the basic material; to determine the list of Soft Skills competences; to carry out experimental check of the structure of teaching the basic material developed at the first stage. These stages formed the proposed method – a combination of various elements in the educational process into a single interconnected content. It is found that for the effective implementation of the proposed method, the selection of certain Soft Skills competences and examples of academic integrity should be based on the principles of a correct and recognized formation of Soft Skills competences. The received practical experience of the offered method implementation confirmed its prospects as it allows not only the developing of soft Skills competences of students in teaching the disciplines by specialty “Civil safety” but to provide the competences and scheduled results even more informatively in an interactive form. Scientific novelty: the formation of soft skills competences and principles of academic integrity of higher education students are considered not as additional functions of the educational process but as a basic component in teaching the disciplines by specialty “Civil Security” which is the basis of the proposed method. Practical significance: the method of combining the elements of learning in the educational process, which allow forming the soft skills competences and principles of academic integrity of higher education students in teaching the disciplines by specialty “Civil Security”; allows the teachers of “Civil Security” specialty to organize the educational process in the most interactive way. In general, this method will promote the interest of higher education students in obtaining the competences in civil protection and occupational safety and health issues, as well as the implementation the principles of academic integrity in professional activities.

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