
The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships between postdramatic play text, in other word ‘postdramati’c and postdramatic theater performance in Winterreise[Winter Journey] written by an Austrian playwright, Elfriede Jelinek. One of the important features of Jelinek’s playtext is non-reproducibility. Text created by intertextuality consists of segmental and fragmentary preceding text, like a collage. In the text, specific characters and stories are not reproduced clearly. Regardless of what character says, his (her) long lasting text strongly reflects the non-reproducibility. The postdramatic intertextuality of Jelinek’s playtext makes the characters and objects unclear, causing non-reproducibility. The director utilizes the text as a source material to complete his own postdramatic performance. Discussing how the characteristics of postdramatic text affect the postdramatic theatrical performance, this study considers Korean adaptation of Winterreise, as an example of postdramatic performance. One of the features of postdramatic performance is reproducibility of non-reproducibility. In Jelinek’s postdramatic performance, character’s words and actions rarely match one another. The existence of non-representative language created by Jelinek''s playtexts clashes with the reproduction of the character’s behavior. In this process, non-representation of the playtext draws an image that audiences may stimulate unique associations in his (her) mind. The other feature is polyphony that exists in the Jelinek’s postdramatic playtexts and it makes a hybrid form of monologue and chorus in the scene. The polyphony of playtexts derived from intertextuality can diversify the directions of the postdramatic performance with the director’s choice. The important significance of this study was to examine the basic tendencies of postdramatic playtext and get a glimpse of its impact on the relationship with its postdramatic performance. In particular, this study can dedicate to enhancing the practical development of postdramatic performances and expanding the theoretical horizon to the theater study in Korea by utilizing Korean adaptation of the postdramatic playtext abroad.

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