
This study was conducted out of the necessity of a method for narrowing down the gap between reality and abstractness when a script for a play is adopted into a dance play. This study aims to explore the meaning of the utilization of the elements and the correlations with the original work, focusing on the symbolism that can compress lines and situations in a dance play and to find out its relationship with recipients. As for the research method, this study analyzes the dance play that was adopted based on Brecht’s “Die Sieben Todsünden” to focus on exploring the symbolic elements. This study understood the intention of the adoption through the video and choreography of the dance play, and the interview with the choreographer and explored symbolic elements, classifying them into ‘metaphoric expressions, the penetrative lines of the observer and performers, the symbolic utilization of objects, the symbolism of space and the variation of the theme song.” In addition, this study drew results, referring to the interviews with the participants, the reviews of the recipients, and the comments of the professional critics. In conclusion, this study discussed that various methods of utilizing symbolism would act as an important factor in narrowing down the gap between reality and abstractness.

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