
Three basic notions are described in the article, which are equally essential for terminological research. These are specialized (professional) communication, language for specific purposes and scientific translation and interpreting. The term “specialized communication” appeared as a reaction to the cybernetic model of C. Shannon and N. Weaver. This phenomenon is based on understanding text and scientific (academic) discourse. Language for specific purposes was introduced in foreign applied linguistics as a separate notion on the basis of understanding functionality in terminological studies and as the opposition to everyday usage. The development of Terminology Science and particularly of modern Terminology Studies demonstrates how important it is to reveal the relationship between terminological units in language through the terminological system description as well as the reflection of terminological units semantics and sense. In Cognitive-Communicative Terminology propositional, framework, scenario, cognitive map, matrix and other models are applied, simple and complex formats of knowledge are used to specify attention on various aspects of scientific knowledge. As for scientific translation and interpreting, this sphere is linked with two previous notions. Translation studies and scientific translation and interpreting are associated with the understanding of speech and thinking activities and human factor revealed in language.

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