
Chinese Abstract: 总结《发现夏朝》书把古埃及文字解读为汉字的几种方法。指出表示抽象概念和人名的文字的字形相似性不能用简单物体的象形巧合来解释。指出中国古代“文”和“字”的造字方法是与古埃及圣书体文字造字方法是一致的。指出《发现夏朝》大量使用文化史和地理名字考证法,实际就是以史证字、以字证史的互证法。 English Abstract: This paper summarizes several methods of interpreting ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs into Chinese characters in the book discovery of the xia dynasty (《发现夏朝》). It is pointed out that the font similarity of words expressing abstract concepts and human names cannot be explained by the pictographic coincidence of simple objects. It is pointed out that the method of creating characters in ancient Chinese Wen and Zi is consistent with that of ancient Egyptian holy hieroglyphs. It is pointed out that the method of textual research of cultural history and geographical names is widely used in Discovery of the Xia Dynasty. In fact, it is the method of mutual verification of textual evidence and historical evidence.

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