
Silhouette Animation has been recognized as a genre of animation since the very beginning of the animation history, and also Its segmental movement and Aesthetic expression has led a variety of semantic interpretations. Especially the French animation director, Michel Ocelot, recently integrated 3-dimensional digital to the silhouettes animation, and it extended the possibility of the silhouettes animation in many aspects. In his latest animation feature, , he showed how he made changes in 3-dimension by creating and evolving his own way and style of silhouette animation. Although mainstream digital animations preferably to show realistic images and motion, Michel Ocelot used very selective movement, subjective digital colors and extended space which couldn`t be expressed in the way of creating traditional style of silhouette animation. This alternative slow movement and the unique aesthetics in 3-dimension emphasize the unconscious elements of color, composition, patterns, and it provides digitally enhanced images and pictorial impression. In addition, the acquisition of digital three-dimensional use of space made possible to provides the wider formative imagination to the audience. In this paper, we analyzed aesthetic characteristics of the digital silhouette animation, (2011), specially focusing on the aspects of Movement, Image, Space, which could not be found in the traditional silhouette animation. It is significant to obtain diversity of the future digital animation and its positive development. In addition, this provides opportunity to explore Michel Ocelot`s new experiments and animation philosophy.

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