
UDC 339.924:314.7; JEL Classification: D24 The purpose of the study is to determine the main factors and nature of labor migration from Ukraine to the European Union and the consequences of this process for the development of the Ukrainian economy. The purpose of this work is to develop approaches to improve methods for calculating the number of migrants in each region of Ukraine depending on such factors as: the number of workers, average hourly wages and unemployment. The following methods were used in the study of the topic under consideration: generalization method, economic and statistical analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis and graphical analysis. Findings. The reasons for Ukraine's migration to the EU are high unemployment, inflation, low wages, dissatisfaction with living standards in the country. The rating of the number of migrants was presented by constructing and analyzing a multifactor linear model of the dependence of migration flows in the i-th region on the number of labor force, the average hourly wage and the unemployment rate of the i-th region. The constructed model is as close as possible to reality. This method allows for constant and detailed monitoring of changes in migration flows in each region of Ukraine. This allows you to track the real picture of reality and observe the existing problems of migration. In general, the level of migration and outflow of labor from Ukraine is quite high, the situation is exacerbated by the economic crisis caused by COVID-19. The solution to this problem requires first of all a state settlement. Originality is that the authors proposed a production function that allowed quantitative and qualitative analysis of important economic dependencies in the field of migration flows, and its solution based on the initial data of the regions allowed to study and obtain specific models. The practical value of the obtained results is that the proposed model can be used by statistical services, committees and bodies dealing with migration issues in order to study in detail and reproduce the migration situation in all regions of the country. This will allow forecasting migration flows to stabilize the country's economy.

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