
The larvae of the two-winged insects of the Chaoboridae family are the thirdmost frequent indicator of the Diptera group in the water bodies of the lower reachesof the Dnieper. Although these larvae are not as massive as representatives of familiesChironomidae and Ceratopogonidae, they are a constant component of the aquaticfauna of this region. Despite this, systematic determination of the species compositionof this group of organisms and the study of their distribution in reservoirs andwatercourses of the lower reaches of the Dnieper was not carried out. Therefore, thepurpose of the work was to determine the species belonging to the family ofChaoboridae and to establish the indicators of their quantitative development andbiotope distribution in connection with the ecological characteristics of the waterobjects under study.The researches of species composition and quantitative development indexes ofDiptera insects larvae of Chaoboridae family of different types of water bodies andwater courses of Lower Dnieper are provided. The researches have been conductedduring 2012 – 2017 at the following water objects: the Dnieper River, the ViryovchinaRiver, the Upper Chaika River, the Koshova River, Lake Sabetsky Liman, LakeKardashinsky Liman, Lake Stebliivsky Liman, Lake Krugle, Lake Zakitne, Lake Midne,Lake Lopukhy, Lake Rogozovate, Lake Skadovsk-Pogorile and the temporaryreservoirs. The study of larvae was conducted as a part of macrozoobenthos andzooplankton. It was found out that all larvae belong to the Chaoborus genus, and arepresented in two species: Ch. (Chaoborus) flavicans (Meigen, 1830) and Ch. (Ch.)crystallinus (De Geer, 1776). It was admitted that the habitats of each species areassociated with certain type of water objects along with its peculiar ecologicalconditions.During the course of hydrochemical analysis a certain discrepancy between thegrade of water purity and the saprobity index of Ch. flavicans larvae was found out.This may point to the necessity of revision of saprobity index for this species. Theabiotic conditions, where the Chaoboridae larvae are able to create populations withhigh numbers and biomass, were determined.Keywords: Chaoborus, Chaoboridae, Diptera, larvae, macrozoobenthos,zooplankton, lower Dnieper.

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