
This article analyzes the works of M.Kh. Dulati «Tarikh-i Rashidi» as a historiographic source of the history of Moghulistan in the second half of the 14th-17th centuries and its role in historical research. According to Muhammad Haydar, at that time, the Mogul khans began to move away from the conquered lands, from state administration and power, so their history was not recorded in chronicles. «Tarikh-i Rashidi» is a valuable work containing information about historical events that took place from the XIV-th to the XVI-th century. Mirza Haydar in his «Tarikh-i Rashidi» not only refers to events and their eyewitnesses, but also widely uses the works of famous scientists-historians, geographers and even Sufi treatises. Based on the foregoing, the main goal of our article is to analyze the historical research of this work by M.Kh. Dulati, which mission was to keep the history of the Moguls from extinction.

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