
The Russian Arctic, as an integral part of Russia, has played an important role in the development of the country throughout its history. Today, the Arctic is a region of special geostrategic interests of the state and economic interests of society, outlined in a number of documents. An important condition for their implementation is the information resources of society, which today are the most important strategic factor in its development. Their integral part is the cartographic component. It is implemented in analog and digital models of operational or long-term knowledge coverage, the most valuable in case of their integration, in particular, into atlases. In atlas mapping, Arctic seas, as special objects of study, have always been given great attention. By the beginning of the XXI century, fundamental atlas works had already been created based on the results of many years of research. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the multilateral mapping of the seas, considering their role in the expected climate warming, increased use of energy, mineral, biological and other resources, the emergence of environmental problems. Emerging requests stimulate the creation of atlas works of various purposes, territorial, thematic and temporal coverage, types of media and the ratio of content presentation. The noted trends in the atlas mapping of the seas: the expansion of the thematic spectrum of study, the desire for efficiency and updating of the content of atlases through the use of modern geoinformation technologies (including online); active transition to the preparation of works combining information and knowledge in real time, capable of quickly responding to navigation, ecology, economics, etc.; blurring the line between traditional paper atlases and their Internet-versions, allowing unlimited expansion of the amount of information presented; attention to the issues of used semiotic systems, etc. The purpose of this article is to present the development and current state of atlas mapping of the seas of the Russian Arctic on the basis of the main works created in the last half century.

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